
Gym Painting with Circles

We had an interesting job in January this year: a school gym was being refurbished and the design brief was to paint the brick walls and leave circles of unpainted brick.

The spec was presented late December and had to be done early January when the school was closed.  The design brief was an image, with no measurements.





The brief:



Circle 2

The work in progress:

very big

We worked off the graphic, and masked out the circles with blue tape, and once approved, we made stencils for the four different diameters of circle.


 real 1

in progress 

Pshemek Wrobel and Peter Kuniniec: the team made ‘core-flute’ stencils, and sprayed the paint using a Graco 595.

Products used: Dulux Professional Total Prep “Lexicon Half” undercoat, and two finish coats of Dulux Professional Low Sheen “Lexicon Half” acrylic.


 in progress 2







Our notes:




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